[Free Resource] A Daily Wellness Checklist for Working from Home

Whether you are still struggling to establish boundaries and stay focused working from home, or are worried about staying healthy when you return to the office, we have two daily wellness checklists for feeling clear headed, focused, healthy and calm no matter where you work.

P.S. If you'd like a printable PDF of this article to share with your teams with a checklist for each day of the week, request a free copy here.

We also have A Daily Wellness Checklist for Returning to the Office that you can access here.

How many of these are you currently making a priority in your day?

A Daily Wellness Checklist for Working from Home

1. Create a Pre-Work Routine

Creating and sticking to a morning "pre-work" routine, can replace the morning commute and get you ready to start your day. Try a 5 minute morning meditation, gratitude list or journal practice to get your day started.

2. Have a Dedicated Work Space

Even though working from bed or the couch might sound comforting, creating a dedicated work space at a desk or table is more ergonomically friendly. Plus, it helps with boundaries and leaves the feeling of comfort for those other spaces of your home.

3. Prepare Healthy Meals & Snacks

Working from home means that you have access to your kitchen all day long. Preparing healthy meals and snacks ahead of time can help prevent mindless grazing throughout the day and saves you time.

4. Take Movement Breaks

Make a habit of getting movement in throughout your day to improve your energy, productivity and focus. Schedule a brisk walk outside, a 5-minute stretch, or a lunchtime yoga class to help refresh and refocus.

5. Have a Clock-Out Time

It can be easy to let the workday slip into your personal time if boundaries aren't set. Setting and sticking to a daily clock-out time can even help you be more productive during your work day.

At HEAL we offer wellness challenges where employees are challenged to create new habits relating to nutrition, movement and mental health. Our challenges are not only great for team building, but they are proven to reduce stress, improve mental health, increase engagement and make work a better place to be. Learn more here. 

A daily wellness checklist for working from home. Without the boundaries pf working outside the home, the lines between personal nd work time can feel blurred. If working from home has you feeling overwhelmed or over-worked, try adding some of these daily habits into your routine.
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