Meet: The Mindful Leader

Boost Stress Resilience and Leadership Skills with Our Mindfulness-Based Course for Teams

Decrease stress and anxiety, better regulate emotions and access inner calm amidst the day-to-day pressures, deadlines, targets, and busyness we all face.

This is an 8-week course in mindfulness for those companies looking to strengthen their employees’ mental health, provide stress management training at work and also build team cohesiveness. It is designed for a small team or department (max 10 employees) as it is very interactive.

Each week, our Registered Social Worker and Psychotherapist hosts a live class that introduces a new pillar of mindfulness. Each class builds upon the one before, with the intention to strengthen employees’ mindfulness muscle and confidence, while also reducing employee burnout.

Through daily mindfulness activities, participants will develop techniques and skills to be resilient in their day-to-day. We know your employees are busy and short on time so we’ve ensured the daily activities are manageable while also being effective.

A Course for Stress Management at Work

In this program, participants can expect to:

  • Feel confident in managing stress and anxiety; easily access their inner resources.
  • Be self-reliant through accessing a new “toolbox” of techniques in relaxation, stress reduction, self- regulation, and energy management.
  • Learn to show up in all the facets of life with integrity built on self-awareness and control.
  • Know oneself in a profound way that positively changes relationships, in a work environment and home life.

Ready to learn more?


"The expertise and knowledge you provided us is extremely practical. In a world and economy where business is getting more aggressive and harder, you taught us and our team real-life expertise and knowledge that would help us not only survive in a high-pressure environment but thrive and be ready for the next step. Since doing the Mindful Leader Program, relationships within the team have changed - people are connected with each other on a deeper level now and are able to be more personal with each other."

Andriy Ostapyshyn, ME, MBA
Director of Information Technology at DP World

Mindfulness Course Outline

Mindfulness Basics

Define what mindfulness is and learn how essential it is for managing stress and being responsible for personal well-being.


A key quality and skill that can be built like a muscle; learn how to build this through simple practices and self-observation.


Learn skills and practice to observe rather than judge, and why this is beneficial for managing stress.

Learner's Mind

Learn to show up with humility and child-like wonder to create a stress-reduced environment.

Letting Go

Building on modules 2 to 4, working with the practice of letting go and how that applies in meditation and transfers to everyday life.


What it means to trust self, others, life, and something grander than us. How this is essential for leadership in stress reduction and creating wellness.


Understanding that acceptance is not passive and how to apply it to situations professionally and personally for self-improvement.


Designing a way to flow with meditation, mindfulness and overall commitment to optimal health and well-being in all areas of life.

About The Course Leader

Michelle Lee is a Registered Social Worker and Psychotherapist with experience in the corporate world. Michelle's path in life has been one of self-development and growth, following her heart, and being in service to others. Moving through addiction, depression, anxiety, and burn-out, Michelle has transformed her own life and herself. She considers herself a student for life and a teacher, guide, mentor, coach, and therapist.

Michelle always brings unconventional wisdom with her wherever she finds herself. Whether in former roles in numerous universities, catholic schools or forestry contracts to her current coaching, therapist, mentor and educator roles, she really knows how to wake people up to their true wellness in all settings.
