5 Health Tips For The Long Weekend

With the long weekend upon us, I wanted to send out some reminders and health tips for staying healthy so that Tuesday doesn’t absolutely kill you 🙂

1.  Make your food from scratch

With 3 whole days off work, there’s plenty of time to make your food from scratch.  This salsa is a great example of that.  Rather than buying one with preservatives and ingredients you can’t pronounce, make your own with fresh, local tomatoes!

2.  Choose grass fed, not grain fed, red meat

Chances are with the long weekend there might be a BBQ or two.  If that’s the case, remember that you should choose grass fed meat, not grain fed.  Here’s an explanation why, and if I didn’t convince you with the first post, here’s another explanation why.

3.  Ditch the chips

Chips are so gosh darn tempting.  But the ingredient deck is enough to make a nutritionist weep, so why not choose a healthier cracker (with great flavour) instead?  My ultimate favourite are Mary’s Crackers.  Let’s just label compare…I don’t know about you, but I don’t think there’s a need to mow down on maltodextrin, caramel color, fructose, or brown sugar.

4.  Watch your sugar intake from booze

I searched the internet high and low for ingredient labels of the top ciders like Magners, Strongbow and Somersby but couldn’t find them. I do know however that all 3 of those contain added “glucose” or “sugar” even though they are fermented from fruit already.  Some also contain caramel colour, which is NOT good for anyone.  William’s Cider is the only one I’ve come across that has a clean ingredient deck that consists of apples and carbon dioxide.  So if you are going to avoid a cold one,

5.  Don’t forget the fiber

A long weekend is sometimes an excuse to get away for a few days.  When you travel, often the old digestive system can forget to function properly.  Keep it moving properly with a spoonful of chia or ground flax sprinkled on top of your breakfast or lunch.

Happy Canada Day 🙂

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