Let's Fix Your Sugar Cravings for Good - Here's How

Let’s get one thing out in the open before we begin. If you are someone who experiences sugar cravings, it is not necessarily because you have less willpower than someone who does not crave sugar; rather, there’s an imbalance in your protein, fat and carbs, or you’re experiencing more stress than usual. 

What if there was a way to see simple data, in real-time, showing exactly WHY you’re getting the cravings you are? And then, what if there was a simple way to use that data to tweak (not overhaul, just tweak) your food routine so that you no longer had cravings? Would you want that? As someone who was a self-proclaimed sugar addict for many years, I can tell you that this was the most impactful thing I ever did to eliminate my sugar cravings.

What’s a Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM), Anyway?

A CGM is a small device you wear on your body that tracks your glucose (blood sugar) levels around the clock. Unlike the old-school finger pricks that give you just one reading at a time, a CGM provides a steady stream of data throughout the day through an app on your phone. It’s a super handy tool that shows you how your body responds to what you eat, how you exercise, and even how you sleep or handle stress. 

Originally designed for diabetics only, CGMs are now used by health enthusiasts and wellness seekers to better understand their bodies and make data-informed decisions to stabilize blood sugar levels and beat sugar cravings.

How Blood Sugar Affects Cravings

Here’s the thing: bodies work hard to keep blood sugar levels steady. When you eat something that is either sugary, or lacks the right mix of carbs, fat and protein, your blood sugar spikes quickly, and your body releases insulin to bring it back down. The problem is that this drop sometimes happens too fast, causing a crash in blood sugar. And guess what? That crash is when you start craving sugar because your body is searching for a quick energy fix.

This creates a vicious cycle: sugar, crash, crave, repeat. It’s exhausting and makes it feel like you have no control over those cravings. Plus, in the long run, it’s a ticket to weight gain, hormonal imbalances, poor quality sleep, and diabetes and heart disease.

If your blood sugar is imbalanced, cravings will win every time. Our brains are not strong enough to override poor blood sugar.

This is the reason we are running the Balance Your Blood Sugar Program: to teach you how to finally fix your sugar cravings and reduce your risk of diabetes, starting October 29th. Space is limited and for the next week, click here to join and use the code ‘earlybird’ to save $150 on the program. 

How a CGM Can Help You Take Control of Your Sugar Cravings

A CGM gives you real-time data on how your blood sugar is doing throughout the day, which means you can see exactly what’s going on when those cravings hit. Here’s how it can help you ditch sugar cravings for good:

  1. Instant Feedback: With a CGM, you can literally see how your blood sugar reacts to different foods. For example, you might notice that eating a sugary snack leads to a huge spike, followed by a quick crash—triggering a craving. Seeing this happen can help not only teach you but motivate you to switch up the foods giving you a huge spike.
  2. Customized Food Choices: Everyone’s body is different, and not all foods affect everyone the same way. A CGM can help you figure out which foods cause the biggest blood sugar fluctuations for you. You might think something is healthy, like your morning smoothie, but if it’s spiking your blood sugar, it could be leading to cravings later. A CGM helps you fine-tune that smoothie to keep things more balanced.
  3. Stopping Cravings Before They Start: The longer you use a CGM, the more you’ll see patterns in your glucose levels. You can use this info to plan meals that give you steady energy throughout the day, instead of quick sugar highs followed by crashes. This keeps your blood sugar stable and helps prevent those cravings from even starting.
  4. Mindful Eating: Sometimes cravings aren’t about hunger—they’re about habits or emotions. A CGM helps you separate true, physical hunger from emotional eating. If your glucose levels are steady but you’re still craving sugar, it might be a sign that it’s not about food at all, and you can choose to manage those feelings in a healthier way.

Taking Back Control of Your Cravings

The beauty of using a CGM is that you’re no longer guessing about what’s causing your sugar cravings. Instead, you have concrete data that shows exactly how your body is reacting to different foods and situations. This makes it so much easier to make smarter choices, stay ahead of cravings, and avoid the sugar rollercoaster altogether.

If you’d like to understand your own body’s unique patterns, join the Balance Your Blood Sugar Program so that you can stop those sugar cravings in their tracks and feel more in control of your health and wellness journey. The CGM is such a powerful tool to break free from sugar cravings for good.

Balance Your Blood Sugar Program - We Start October 29th

This program is for you if:

>> You want to take a data-driven approach to improving your blood sugar, reversing metabolic syndrome, reducing your risk of Type 2 diabetes, and improving your heart health.

>> You feel like you do everything right, but still crave sugar, want to lose weight, or feel sluggish throughout the day.

>> You want to optimize your sleep, your energy, your metabolism and your hormones.

>> You have suffered from PCOS and want a natural approach to balancing your hormones.

>> You want to take care of your brain health (did you know Alzheimer’s is touted as Type 3 diabetes)?

>> You want a clear, simple plan on how to eat for your body – you’re tired of the confusing, contradicting health information online and have tried every diet out there.

How the Balance Your Blood Sugar Program Works

1. Get real-time feedback on how your body's metabolism works.

Upon registering, you’ll be sent a link to get your glucose monitor mailed sent to you. This only takes 2-3 business days for most people. You will also receive a welcome package with our CGM basics – how to insert it pain-free, a link to our weekly Zoom calls, and what levels to aim for in your monitoring. This allows you to start getting real-time feedback on how your body’s metabolism works.

2. Understand how food and lifestyle affect your blood sugar.

Each week we’ll meet live on Zoom for our coaching session (these sessions will be recorded if you can’t join live.) During this hour, I’ll share simple-to-follow guidance on a different aspect of blood sugar monitoring and ways to reduce your spikes (and therefore improve your weight, energy, cravings, hormones, and diabetes/heart disease risk), along with recipes and practical suggestions.

3. Optimize your bio-individual blood sugar for long-term blood sugar balance.

You’ll also be able to share your own blood glucose reports with me to receive guidance and suggestions and ask any questions you may have. As part of the program, you’ll receive custom weekly meal plans and recipes that lead to balanced blood sugar (and in turn, lower diabetes risk, more energy, better sleep, less cravings, and the list goes on!) By the end of the 4 weeks together you’ll feel in control of your body and food choices so that your results can easily be maintained long-term.

Click here to join now – space is limited and we have an early bird coupon until Oct 20th (code: earlybird).

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