The inspiration for this post comes from my afternoon snack from yesterday, Holy Crap! It’s a fave food of mine that is not only a breakfast and a snack option, but also a food that has an incredibly catchy/hilarious name. In one of my Nutrition Tip Tuesday posts, I talked about the importance of eating some protein to increase energy levels throughout the afternoon and to prevent reaching for the junk food. So, one of my go-to foods to avoid the afternoon slump is actually Holy Crap. Plus, it’s a real conversation starter when you someone sees you eating something called Holy Crap. 🙂
Holy Crap markets itself as a breakfast cereal, but it’s also a great snack. Its three main ingredients are chia seeds, hemp hearts and buckwheat, plus some mixed dried fruit and cinnamon to give it a bit of flavour. For those of you that are Canadians, it got its start on the TV show “Dragon’s Den” where aspiring entrepreneurs pitch their products, and in 2012 was named the most successful business story on Dragon’s Den. Not bad eh?!
SOOOO healthy!! This stuff will live up to its name, and make you crap (hehe).
Here’s why I like Holy Crap (and Skinny B, its sugar free version):
Luckily, given the INSANE success of this product, it’s now available in over 2,000 stores in Canada, is expanding into the US, and is available for purchase online in over 40 countries! So unless you live in the North Pole, you can probably get your hands on some. Both Holy Crap and Skinny B are pretty expensive, but I will say that it lasts quite a while, as you only need a bit per serving, and I don’t eat it every single day. In terms of price, the cheapest I’ve seen it in stores is $9.99/bag but it’s usually closer to $12/bag
If you are someone that actually can’t get it shipped to them, you can make your own “homemade” Holy Crap! All you have to do is make a mixture of chia seeds, hemp hearts, buckwheat groats, and dried fruit – all of which should be available at your health food store.