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You'd have to be hiding under a rock not to hear the hype about probiotics and fermented foods! What is it that makes them so good for you though, and should you start including them in your routine? HEAL Community Manager, Tal Bragagnolo, has you covered with a comprehensive 4 part series on probiotics, bacteria and fermented foods. Stay tuned for next week's posts where we're sharing the low down on fermented foods and recipes for some of our favourite fermented foods.
Now, get ready for some science!
It's All About The Bacteria
Bacteria are everywhere. We coexist in harmony with them as they make up a diverse ecosystem in and on our bodies. In fact, bacteria, fungi and other tiny microbes make up anywhere from 2 to 5 lbs of our body weight! The bacteria in our gut (also referred to as the ‘gut flora’ or ‘microbiome’) alone consists of thousands of species that are intimately connected with our body’s basic functions.
The problem (from a holistic practitioner's standpoint anyway) is that we've become a culture that's obsessed with sanitization and in the process, we've been killing off many of our best allies. When we lack these bacteria, which is now very common here in North America, it can have dramatic and often overlooked implications. For example, scientists have linked a loss of microbiome diversity to mental health issues, skin and acne conditions, diabetes, osteoarthritis, autoimmune diseases and heart health, to name a few. And it’s not enough to have a large number of bacteria, the diversity of these microbes is just as important.
When there’s too much bad bacteria and not enough of the good guys, it’s called dysbiosis.
Here are some common signs and symptoms of dysbiosis (these vary depending on the individual):
Constipation, diarrhea, bloating or abdominal pain (IBS!)
Constant cravings for sugars and sweets - and you're eating a balanced diet already
Having itchy skin or skin rashes (includes acne, eczema, psoriasis or just general rashes)
Autoimmune conditions
Recurrent vaginal, prostate or urinary tract infections
‘Brain fog’ or difficulty with memory or concentration
Hormonal disturbances like PMS (not just a normal part of being a female), irregular periods or even sexual dysfunction
Feeling generally unwell despite the absence of other health conditions
So, how did we get here?
There are two answers. Firstly, we’ve developed habits and conditions that contribute to the death of the ‘friendly bacteria’ as well as ones that favour the overgrowth of the ‘bad guys’.
Here are some of the things that can kill off beneficial bacteria:
Oral antibiotics, taken either as medication or in our food supply, can alter your flora for years
Too much junk and processed food and not enough whole foods (i.e. fiber, essential fatty acids, vitamins & minerals)
Toxins like alcohol, drugs, pollutants, tobacco, even X-rays
Prescription drugs like steroids, oral contraceptives
Chlorine in water, which is an antimicrobial
Bouts of diarrhea that flushes them out
Usually an overgrowth of unfriendly bacteria is due to an imbalance between the food eaten and the food that actually gets digested. This can stem from:
Overeating or eating one large meal a day - if you don't break it down, bacteria will!
A reduced capacity to digest a normal volume of food due a lack of digestive enzymes or pancreatic exhaustion
Stress, which shuts down digestion and leaves food in the gut for microbes to digest. Sources of stress can range anywhere from a stressful lifestyle, to caffeine or a lack of sleep.
Some drugs, like steroids, can actually promote the growth of pathogenic organisms
What can you do to restore balance?
Replenish and rebalance your gut flora with fermented foods (recipes are coming in part 3 and 4 of this series) and probiotics. Whether you have a specific health condition or not, experts agree that everyone benefits from probiotics.
Here are just some of the known benefits of probiotics from a strictly maintenance perspective:
They competitively inhibit bad bacteria by fighting for space and nutrients
They provide lactase for lactose (dairy) breakdown
They prevent the reabsorption of cholesterol and thereby lower blood cholesterol levels
They manufacture vitamins B3, B5, B6, B12, biotin, folic acid, vitamin K (important for detox, absorption of nutrients, energy and so much more)
They have anticancer effects because they inhibit bacteria that convert nitrates to nitrites, which produce carcinogenic nitrosamines
They break down toxins and therefore aid in detoxification
They prevent and decrease inflammation
They maintain a mildly acidic environment in your gut which prevents pathogenic microbes like salmonella and e.coli from growing
They have a diverse mix of 15 strains (30% bifido & 70% lacto bacteria) chosen to mimic the human gut flora (they’re actually found in humans), that work together in synergy and that you won’t find with any other company
They contain resident (permanent gut dwellers) AND transient (just passing through) strains that are both necessary and have a positive influence on the sustainability of other health-promoting bacteria
They are completely pure, toxin, GMO and allergen-free
They have a vegan, plastic-free delayed release capsule with fermented prebiotic that ensures that the strains pass through the stomach acid and actually reach the gut
They come in a room temperature-stable blister pack with guaranteed potency. Many probiotics lack humidity control (if it’s in a bottle it’s exposed to air every time the bottle opens) and some of the best ones need to be refrigerated which is kind of a pain if you travel a lot or if you’re forgetful. :)
Their probiotics come in two options - 15 billion CFU (colony forming units) or 50 billion CFU. If you’re using for daily maintenance 15 billion should be enough. If you were or are currently on antibiotics or are in a period of ill-health (i.e. sick, digestive issues, stressful time) then 50 billion may be more beneficial for you.