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A Life Update

Hi Everyone!

I have big news 🙂 I am a full time nutritionist now!  I am no longer working my previous job so am spending 100% of my time dedicated to nutrition.  HOW awesome!  Making a big life change brings on lots of emotion and I can certainly say I’ve felt them all (good and bad), but I haven’t doubted for a second that it was the right decision.  I feel very fortunate to have found something that I LOVE to do, and that I can make that my job.

So what am I doing you might ask?  Well, I’m in BC right now hanging out with my family and taking a bit of a vacation.  It’s a work-cation I’d say, as I’m working from BC but also not setting an alarm in the morning and making lots of time for fun stuff too.  I figure after working for 5+ years straight, a month off is much deserved.

From a business perspective there are a few things I will be doing, so let me explain what they are and why I’m doing them:

1) Corporate Wellness

Having spent almost six years in the corporate world, specifically consumer packaged goods, I have a good understanding of the lifestyle.  Some companies are better than others (mine included) at ensuring a work-life balance, but regardless, as an employee of any company, it’s likely that you’ve felt the following at one or more times:

  • Too busy
  • Stressed out
  • Exhausted
  • Just plain grumpy

Feeling any of those, has likely made you make a few bad decisions that may now have become habits:

  • Grabbing for the cookies at 3pm
  • Craving multiple cups of coffee
  • Slumping onto the couch after work instead of the gym
  • Not having enough energy to cook

I’ve been there…and I’ve made those bad decisions.  I’ve also learned how to reverse those bad decisions and easily say ‘No thanks’ to the afternoon treat.  It’s my job to educate you how to get through a busy work day without making poor food choices.  It’s not your fault that at 3pm you want to curl up and snore loudly at your desk. You can blame your breakfast and lunch (or lack there of), or how you slept the night before, which could also be a direct result of what you ate the day before.

Moreover, if you are an owner of an organization, chronic disease is costing you big bucks through your benefits plans.  Many chronic illnesses like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and asthma can actually be controlled (and prevented) by diet!  It’s not rocket science, but it’s also not something that the majority of people realize, and it’s my job to educate your company on how!

2.  Personalized Nutrition

If you’ve read about my story here, you already know that I was seriously sick for two years when I first left university and began working.  I won’t go into that detail as you can read the other blog posts, but what I do know is feeling sub-par is AWFUL.  It affects every aspect of your life, whether it’s your work, your hobbies, or your relationships.  It’s impossible to function properly and happily, feeling less than great.

No one person is the same, and certain foods agree with a person more than others.  Furthermore, no two people have the same ancestry, nutritional deficiencies, body composition or toxin exposure, to name a few.

So, I get to help people feel better!! It is seriously rewarding, and if you read some of the testimonials I have, you’ll see, it’s just small changes that make a big difference! (And, I give you a meal plan too, which seems to be very popular!)

3.  Online Programs

This is a fun one too! There are people out there that maybe aren’t wanting a full 1 on 1 personalized plan, but still want to improve their health.  I will be creating online programs or ebooks, and my first one, The 21 Day Smoothie Guide, is actually launching April 15th.  It’s a collaboration from Holistic In The City, which is a group of seven of my nutritionist friends in Toronto.  When you purchase the guide, which is less than the price of a latte, you also get to join our Facebook Group, which is a forum and support group for all things healthy but specifically, smoothies! 🙂

Anyway, now you know what I’m up to.  If you want to learn more about any of it, feel free to set up a FREE 10 minute conversation with me.

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